Having spent many months on the back of David's bike, I had witnessed the complete and utter disrespect, and inconsideration motorists had for motorcyclists. David's bike is over twice the size of mine, and people seemed to never see it. It made me nervous to get on my bike, and apparently rightfully so.
In the past week I have had drivers attempt to share lanes with me, stop for no damn good reason, cut me off, drive 20+ MPH under the speed limit and block any attempt by me to pass, stop as close to the lane divider as they could so I couldn't split lanes, and just generally be jerks. Apparently a chick on a bike is something to be threatened by, even if it is a little 250.
However, I have seen some good. I pulled over once to fix my helmet and pull out my sun glasses, and another motorcyclist stopped to make sure I was OK. I have gotten plenty of smiles, waves, and compliments from other motorcyclists. I have had some motorists wave me on past them, around them, and to go ahead of them.
Thus far I've only had one bizarre moment.... a guy meowed at me. Yes, he meowed at me. I was sitting at a stop light and I thought I heard a cat meowing. Thinking it might be from the car next to me, I looked over, and the driver was staring at me... meowing. I just looked away, and eagerly took off when the light turned green.
I have also had this cool little old school VW bug whom I see nearly everyday on my way home who likes to race me down Oakland Rd. A lot of fun, pretty cool, but I whomp on him every time.
I do have some regrets right now. Everyday when I take my breaks at work, I no longer have my car to nap in or smoke in. This heat wave in the bay area has been causing my bike to overheat, which really sucks. This heat wave has also made it impossible for me to wear my jacket, which makes me really nervous. Not wearing my jacket this morning really sucked, I froze on the way to work. Oh well, it woke me up.
So how do I feel about this new world of motorcyclists and motorists I have entered. I'm not quite sure. I enjoy riding my bike, but I want to kill motorists. I think California should make a motorcycle lane. Yep, that would be a GREAT idea. But, never gonna happen. Oh well....
I live to ride another day!