As I am planning to finish my tattoo tommorrow of "Doornail Dorothy" it has gotten me thinking about the world of body modifications. The above is a picture of the seemingly newest fad, EYEBALL JEWELRY. After stumbling upon this, I did some research to find out how this is done, and why the hell would someone stick something on their eye. God, it hurts just having an eyelash in my eye, imagine something permanent. *Shivers* Ewwwww....
So, thanks to the wonderful Wikipedia, this is what I came up with (see the full article here: Eyeball Jewelry):
"An extraocular implant (also known as eyeball jewelry) is a cosmetic implant involving a tiny piece of decorative jewelry which is implanted within the superficial, interpalpebral conjunctiva of the human eye."
So, what does that mean. Well, that means they impant this in the membrane that covers the white part of your eye. Which then makes me wonder, what keeps this thing from floating around? What keeps it from drifting around your eye. More ewwww... But is it legal here in the states? Wow, Wiki even answers that...
"Its legality outside of the Netherlands is currently untested. However, several jurisdictions in the US have already supported bills to ban the procedure even though it hasn’t become available in the US yet. On March 6, 2005 an Illinois state committee approved a bill banning the procedure. Infraction could result in a penalty of up to three years in prison."
Three years in prison for performing this? Wow.. pretty tough. But then again, you could make someone go blind (tee-hee, so many possible jokes here, but I will try to remain serious!). I continued to read the article, despite my gut telling me not too. The next title was, "Procedure." They're seriously going to tell how it's done. >.< "The procedure is relatively quick, but it does require that both eyes be immobilized with anesthetic drops, and that the layers of the eyeball where the implant is situated must be separated by the injection of liquid. As very few people have undergone this procedure, and it is relatively new, the long term health effects are currently unknown.
However, the Website of the Netherlands Institute for Innovative Ocular Surgery states that the implant does not interfere with the ocular functions, i.e. the visual performance and motility. As well, patient satisfaction remains high and no side effects of the treatment have been noticed with a follow-up of more than one year."
OK, so the "website" from the Netherlands says there have been no side affects. But since when do we believe anything we read on the Internet. If I believed everything I read, and everything I read was true, then I would have lost weight just by sitting on the couch, and my boobs would be the size of watermelons. All people would have chiseled abs, and we'd all be millionaires. I think for now, I like my eyes the way they are, ugly brown! I love body mods, but I think that is taking it a bit far.
Anyway, if anyone reading this has one, please let me know. I would love to know what it feels like, and if you've had any problems. My curiosity is going to be the death of me.
Sooooo... now that I am done with that, on to my next point. Crappy tattoos, and good tattoos. Since I am planning to dedicate an entire leg to psychopatic work, I went out looking at tattoo stuff. I stumbled upon a hilarious site, Bad Tattoos. This site has pictures of some of the WORSE tattoos I have ever seen (they even make Anthony's bullet that looks like a dildo look good). Anyway, here are some of the pictures I picked as the best of the worse. Check them out:
So apparently this is suppose to be a Unicorn. Where'd it go? Is this a rorschach test? If so, I see two bunnies. Yep, that's my story, and I'm sticking to it.
Marvin the Martian is pretty cool, but it looks like a 3 year old has colored him in with crayons.
Ariel on crack?
What a way to remember the 80's with some random big hearded bimbo tattooed poorly on you. WTG!!
Anyway, so that was my moment of zen, looking at all those crappy tattoos. But I did find some cool ones that I will use as creative fodder for my next series of tattoos. Anywa, here are some ideas I have been brewing (with the help of the amazing Jamie and her BRILLIANT ideas) for my next couple of pieces for my psychopathic leg.
1. Santa Claus is a Fat Bitch- imagine badder santa, but a big fat drunken santa, sitting on the shitter, pants around his ankles, porno mag next to the shitter, and a 40 in a red bag with the hatchetman on it.
2. Fat Sweaty Betty- total fat ugly BITCH. Hairy legs, fuckin empty box of pizza at her feet, with the hatchetman on the top of the box. Just sheer gluttony at it's finest.
3. Toxic Love (Roxy Carol)- Have this straight up skank, herpes infested hooker, with the toxic waste plant behind her, staring into a mirror that reflects a straight pin-up model in a field of flowers and happy bright shit.
4. Also thought about some portraits down my shin
5. Something with the joker's cards (any suggestions?)
Anyway, that completes this thought for the day. Enjoy!
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